Information on the Preparatory Proficiency (Exemption) Exam
8 September 2021 | 12:05

1. The exam consists of two stages. The first phase will start at 10:00 on Monday, September 13. Students must be ready at the exam hall at 09:00. For students who pass the first stage, the second stage will be held on Wednesday, September 15 at 10:00.

2. Both stages of the exam will be held face-to-face in the Gazi Education Faculty and Science Faculty classrooms in Gazi University Central Campus.

3. Social distance and hygiene rules will be given maximum attention in the exam. Hall seating arrangement and hall student population will be arranged in accordance with social distance rules.

4. The temperature of the students will be taken at the entrance to the exam building.

5. Students will be asked for the HES code.

6. The results of the PCR test done in the last three days or the vaccination card showing that the Covid-19 vaccines have been completed will be requested from the students.

7. Only students who will take the exam will be admitted to the exam building.

8. It is mandatory for all students and supervisors to wear masks during the exam.

9. Students whose names are not on the exam list will not be admitted to the exam. The list of students who will take the exam will be announced at

10. The first stage of the exam you will take on September 13 consists of Reading and Listening sections. Students who score 59.5 and above in the first stage will be entitled to enter the second stage of the exam.

11. The second stage of the exam, which will be administered on September 15, consists of Writing and Speaking sections. At this stage, students who score 59.5 and above will be considered successful and will start to study at their faculties.

For more detailed information about the exam, please read the document below carefully.

Preparatory Exemption Exam information (link)

We wish you luck.

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