In cooperation with our faculty and the Association for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs (EPDAD), the fifth of International Teacher Education and Accreditation Congress (ITEAC) was held online on the Zoom Video Conference platform between 4-6 June 2021.
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa YILDIZ and our Dean and Vice President of Education Faculties Deans Council (EFDEK) Prof. Dr. Mahmut SELVİ; Deputy Minister of National Education and Faculty Member of History Education Department Prof. Dr. Mustafa SAFRAN; Member of the Executive Board of YÖK, Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞİŞMAN; Chairman of the Board of Education and Discipline of the Ministry of National Education, Prof. Dr. Burhanettin DÖNMEZ, Head of Higher Education Quality Board, Prof. Dr. Muzaffer ELMAS; Head of Teacher Education Programs Accreditation Board (EFAK), Prof. Dr. Dinçay KÖKSAL; President of EPDAD, Prof. Dr. Cemil ÖZTÜRK, Head of the Council of Deans of the Faculty of Education (EFDEK) and Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Ankara University, Prof. Dr. Selahiddin ÖĞÜLMÜŞ participated with their speeches.
In his opening speech of the congress, Our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa YILDIZ stated that the congress was held online due to the global epidemic and stated, “In this congress held regularly every year by EPDAD, new trends, policies and innovative models for teacher education are discussed and dynamic teacher training policies are produced in this context. The congress also aims to create an international basis for sharing scientific information on quality assurance systems and accreditation, and to develop awareness and awareness of the field of teacher training.” Our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa YILDIZ, by reminding the words of Gazi Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK, the founder of our Republic, stated “It is only the teachers who save the nations”, and expressed that this congress, which has an important mission, is always proud to be a member and graduate of our university, which is the founding faculty of our university, whose 95th anniversary we celebrate. He stated that it means a whole lot more to be done with the cooperation of Gazi Faculty of Education. After the opening speeches, the congress sessions started.
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