Gazi Education Faculty 2020-2021 Graduation Ceremonies Opening Program was held in Mimar KEMALEDDÎN Hall
5 July 2021 | 08:32

Gazi Faculty of Education 2020-2021 Graduation Ceremonies Opening Program was held face to face with a limited number of participants in the Rectorate Mimar KEMALEDDÎN Hall, with COVID-19 precautions.


2020-2021 graduation opening program organized by Gazi Faculty of Education; Our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa YILDIZ, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Bekir BULUC, Dean of Gazi Education Faculty Prof. Dr. Mahmut SELVI, Deputy Deans Prof. Dr. Yasin ÜNSAL and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan KOŞAR, Education-Training and Foreign Relations Coordinator Prof. Dr. İhsan KALENDEROĞLU, Faculty Members who serve as the Head of the Department/Department, our graduates who have graduated from the Faculty, and students’ families.

The graduation programs of our Faculty's Departments / Departments will be held with ceremonies to be held in Gazi Concert Hall for five days between 28 June and 02 July 2021, with COVID-19 precautions.

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